Clean Your House Fast


This is a short little article I found on Homemaking Organized. I like finding different "emergency quick-clean" posts and articles, because they each have useful tips, and I plan to compile them and choose the best, to make my own quick-clean list. What can I say? I'm lazy! ;-)

Company is on the way and your house is mess. If you have about 15 minutes follow the steps below to get your house in tip top shape just in time.

1. Trash: Dump all the trash in the trash bag

2. Clutter: If you find something in the wrong room dump it in the basket. You’ll find it’s corrct home later.

3. Bedrooms: Make all beds. I say this because I can’t believe how nosey people are and they always find a way to look into your private bedrooms. I don’t like this but it happens.

4. Bathroom: Go to the guest bathroom and (hopefully you have some emergency wipes on hand) use your wipes. Wipe down the mirror and the chrome with the window cleaner wipes. Wipe the counter tops with the general purpose wipe. Swish and use a wipe to clean the seats of the toilet. Use a wipe to spot check any spots on the floor. Take all used towels and dump in laundry area. Hang a nice clean hand towel and spray some nice scented something. Put out a new piece of soap. Take the old one to your bathroom.

5. Kitchen: Get all the dishes out of the sink.and off counters. Wash them if you have time or put the all in the dish washer. Wipe down counters. Put any food sitting out away.

6. Diningroom / Livingroom: Remove all clutter. Fluff pillows. Stack magazines. Push in chairs and clean off dining table. Wipe it if it needs it.

If you have a few odors open all windows and maybe a back door with a screen. Spray something fresh. Or better yet throw some frozen cookie dough in the oven.

If you have time vacuum the livingroom and diningroom if they have carpet.

Whew! Now go comb your hair and spritz on some perfume! Look relaxed.

Feeling Down

I'm sorry I haven't posted in a long while. I've had a hard month, and just couldn't put into words how I felt.

I don't think I'm going to be able to get the surgery. It's a long story, and I just don't feel like writing about it right now. I have been so depressed over it. I've been trying to just really restrict my calories, but I can't do any diet for more than a day or two, as usual. I try so hard, but then I either get really hungry at the end of the day, or the stress of the day just builds up to where I can't stand it anymore, and I don't care about dieting. I just feel really miserable right now. I hate what I see when I look in the mirror. I don't even care about being skinny, I just want to look normal. You know, not have my stomach sticking way out past my chest, and not having a huge apron of fat hanging off my stomach.

If I were rich, I would forget about dieting. I would get a personal trainer and work my way into a good workout routine, eat healthier, and try to slowly reduce the amount of food I ate. I would have a major tummy tuck and some lipo done on my stomach, hips, and double chin. Then I think I could be satisfied enough with the way I look. It think it would even help me stay motivated so I could lose a few more pounds.

One thing I have decided to do for sure, is NOT GAIN any more weight. I got up to 253, my new all-time, non-pregnant high. Great. I'm down below 250 now, wavering up and down. I have resolved that I will NOT go over 250 again. If I had done that back when I weighed 200, I wouldn't be so miserable now. I didn't like being 200, but at least I could find clothes that fit. So from now on, when I see my weight getting to 249, I will be very careful what I eat until I lose a few pounds. I'll just have to weigh myself religiously.

I'm double-posting this on my other blog, Weigh Out of Control, and I will try to put any posts about my weight on there, rather than here, so the skinny people don't have to listen to me whining! I'll try to post some other topics as soon as I feel up to it. Unfortunately, the way I feel right now, homemaking and my other interests are just not something I can keep my concentration on right now. Hopefully I can get out of this funk soon.

Thank you to those who have posted comments in support of me. I really appreciate it, especially from those who are going through the same thing, and understand how I feel.